hilltop newsletter

Beginning Again

picture: Anagarika Andrew who took up the 8 precepts on Sunday 3rd April

Last Thursday was our first visit for 2016 with the Edinburgh Meditation Group, then Friday it was with the Glasgow Group. Today, Wednesday 13th, a visit is planned with the Carlisle Group and then on Friday 15th it will be the Dhammapala Group in Leeds. As mentioned in our last posting, the HBM Trustees were here on Saturday 9th April. The meeting was inspiringly harmonious and productive; 2016 looks like it could be an interesting time of developments here on Harnham Hill. Sunday 10th saw a modest number of participants in Ajahn Abhinando's Practice and Study Day, this occasion it was on the theme of Mindfulness in the Body. The next Practice and Study Day will be at 1.30pm on Sunday May 22nd. Later this week members of the South Asian community will celebrate their New Year, otherwise known as the Water Festival (Songkran in Thai). At the monastery we will be marking this on Sunday 17th with bathing of the Buddha image and a ritual of forgiveness.

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