
Coronavirus (COVID-19): Skilful Prevention

Aruna Ratanagiri Monastery has adopted a strategy of increased hygiene precaution in an attempt to protect the more vulnerable residents and to avoid spreading the disease.

• Please do not come to the monastery if you suspect you have been in contact with coronavirus in the last 14 days, or have symptoms suggestive of it, like a fever. 

 • If you do visit our monastery please observe strict hygiene rules: 

- Frequently wash your hands thoroughly with soap or liquid hand-wash  

- Use paper towels to dry your hands and immediately dispose of towels in the bin provided  

- Use hand sanitizer when it is available  

- Cough or sneeze into your elbow or clothing or a tissue, not into the room or your hands

N.B. the kitchen, reception room and dhamma hall are particular areas of risk of spreading germs. Please be patient if you are asked to observe extra rules about food offerings. It is not personal!

All illnesses bring uncertainty and are an opportunity for kindness, mindfulness and wise reflection.

May all beings be well in mind and body.