hilltop newsletter


Ajahn Punnyo and Anagarika Marcin got snarled in traffic in Newcastle on Saturday and missed their train, so were absent from the Amaravati Kathina on Sunday. Luang Por Sumedho arrived though from Thailand, as expected, to join in the event. Luang Por Munindo spoke on the theme of Universal Truths at our Sunday evening puja. Ajahn Sawaeng turned 46 on Tuesday then departed back to Thailand on Wednesday. The ominous rattle of our fridge-freezer is perhaps the harbinger of something new. Thursday’s full-moon coincided with the traditional Loi Krathong celebration and saw a small gathering of Thai friends float small, candle-lit, (bio-degradable), constructions on the lake, asking for forgiveness and generating good wishes. We expect good wishes to abound on Saturday with oodles of participants at this month’s Lake Work Day. Similarly on Sunday with Ajahn Abhinando’s Study/Practice day on the theme of Mindfulness.
