hilltop newsletter


(picture: Harnham Lake)

In Ajahn Abhinando’s absence Ajahn Punnyo led the first Practice/Study Sunday for 2015, reflecting on the theme of The Life of the Buddha – Part 1. The eagerly awaited Part 2 can be expected same time on Sunday 10th May. Ajahn Punnyo elaborated further on the same theme at evening puja. Meanwhile Ajahn Abhinando visited the Leeds Dhammapala group and then went on to represent Harnham sangha at an Elders’ Council Meeting at Amaravati. Today Anagarika Samuele arrives from Ajahn Chandapalo’s monastery in Italy for a stay of two or three months. Saturday 25th April will be our first Lake Work Day for this year and it would be good if a crowd turned up to help with tending to the young trees after the winter. All going well we might also extend the nesting island a bit. Once again, please note that the following weekend, on Sunday 3rd May, we celebrate Vesak Puja.
