hilltop newsletter

Spring Activity

Picture: Luang Por Munindo receiving a meal offering in Glasgow

Dates for our monthly Lake Workdays might be less predictable than they have been in the past, however it is expected they will keep happening. If you are considering joining us, please check the online calendar for up-to-date details. Now that Ajahn Punnyo is back, the Wednesday 'tea with a bhikkhu' has been reinstated. Last Friday Luang Por Munindo joined the Glasgow Group for their meditation meeting, followed by a dana gathering on the Saturday at Paul and Nuttah's place. Yesterday, Tuesday 10th May, the scaffolding that we had been waiting for, finally arrived. Facilitated by Nick Pearce it is now in place over the front porch providing the structure required for him to help us with roof and guttering issues. Also on Tuesday Abramina returned to Holland; we look forward to her next visit. Gavin, our Kitchen Manager-in-waiting, wrote to postpone his arrival date by several weeks so we are currently looking for a replacement. In the meanwhile Samanera Jinavaro is holding the post.
