
The number of resident monks (bhikkhu), novices (sāmaṇera) and postulants (anagārika) varies from year to year but is usually between seven and ten.

Luang Por Munindo (Abbot)

Luang Por Munindo was first accepted into the bhikkhu sangha under the Venerable Somdet Nyanasamvaro in 1975 and then later under the Venerable Ajahn Chah in 1976. He came to the UK in 1980. After an initial period at Cittaviveka Monastery in West Sussex, he moved to Devon where he led the community in establishing the Devon Vihara. In 1991 he became senior incumbent at Aruna Ratanagiri. Teachings by Luang Por Munindo are available for free distribution at and at 

Further recordings are available on the audio section of this website.

Ajahn Puñño

From North Yorkshire, UK - was accepted into the bhikkhu sangha under Venerable Ajahn Maha Amon in 1996.

Bhikkhu Mahachomgaew

From Laos -

Bhikkhu Sabbajayanto (Ajahn Thee)

From Thailand -

Bhikkhu Samacitto

From Germany - was accepted into the bhikkhu sangha under Luang Por Liem in 2020.

Bhikkhu Suciṇṇo

From Malaysia - was accepted into the bhikkhu sangha under Ajahn Amaro in 2020. (Presently overseas)

Bhikkhu Thitako

From Israel - received Bhikkhu Upasampada from Ajahn Kevali at Wat Pah Nanachat, 15th of July 2024.

Bhikkhu Attaññu

From Martinique - received Bhikkhu Upasampada from Ajahn Amaro at Amaravati, 18th of July 2024.