

Lake Work Day on Saturday the 15th October

Filed in announcements

There will be a session in the morning from 8.30 until 11am, then a break for the meal and a second session between 1 and 4pm. With a tea break!

You are welcome to join in for any part of the day, or to help prepare the meal or…

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Kathina at Harnham

Filed in announcements

This year's kathina celebrations at Harnham will take place on Sunday, 23rd October, beginning at 10 am with the rice pindabaht. Everyone is warmly welcomed. The coordinator for this year's kathina offering is Khun Jaeb. If you would like to get involved, you can contact him via email at:…

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Lake Work Day on Saturday the 24th September

Filed in announcements

There will be a session in the morning from 8.30 until 11am, then a break for the meal and a second session between 1 and 4pm. With a tea break!

You are welcome to join in for any part of the day, or to help prepare the meal or…

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Study & Practice Day on Sunday the 18th of September

Filed in announcements

The day will consist of an afternoon of meditation, readings and discussions at Kusala House, starting at 1:30pm and finishing with tea at 5:30pm. No prior booking is required.

All those attending are warmly welcome to stay on for the Sunday evening puja.

Sunday 18th September -  on…

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Marking Wesak

Filed in announcements

Events to mark Vesakha Puja 2016 at Aruna Ratanagiri Monastery:

Morning meal offering: precepts, parittas, Dhamma Talk
Afternoon Practice & Study: The Life of the Buddha
Evening: Circumambulation of the lake with chanting followed by a gathering in the Dhamma Hall with meditation and a Dhamma Talk.

Photos of

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Study & Practice Day on Sunday the 19th of June

Filed in announcements

The day will consist of an afternoon of meditation, readings and discussions at Kusala House, starting at 1:30pm and finishing with tea at 5:30pm. No prior booking is required.

All those attending are warmly welcome to stay on for the Sunday evening puja.

Sunday 19th June - on…

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Study & Practice Day on Sunday the 22nd of May

Filed in announcements

The day will consist of an afternoon of meditation, readings and discussions at Kusala House, starting at 1:30pm and finishing with tea at 5:30pm. No prior booking is required.

All those attending are warmly welcome to stay on for the Sunday evening puja. This Sunday, being Visakha Puja, will…

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Lake Work Day on Saturday 21st of May

Filed in announcements

There will be a session in the morning from 8.30 until 11am, then a break for the meal and a second session between 1 and 4pm. With a tea break!

You are welcome to join in for any part of the day, or to help prepare the meal or…

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Winter Retreat 2016

Filed in announcements

From Friday 8 January to Thursday 31 March the ​monastic ​community will be on ​our Winter Retreat. Some of the time will be spent in silent practice​ and we will not be ​taking​ guests ​again until April​. Visitors are ​always​ welcome during the day​ and the Dhamma Hall will be…

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