hilltop newsletter

New Moon Newsletter_July 28th, 2022

Today, Thursday 28th, is the New Moon day for the month of July 2022. The next Uposatha Day will be the Full Moon which falls on Friday, 12th August.

It appears we were spared much of the heat wave that covered the southern parts of UK though there was one day that was a bit hot. 

On the 10th July we marked Ajahn Punnyo's 60th birthday and are now anticipating with pleasure his return in September/October to being resident once again at Harnham. 

On the weekend of 22nd - 24th July we were happy to have friends from the Dhammapala Buddhist Group in Leeds visiting. 

This approaching weekend will see be the Annual General Meeting of the Harnham Buddhist Monastery Trust (HBMT) with most trustees being physically present. 

And t he next Lake Work Day is scheduled for Sunday 31st July (check online calendar for confirmation.)

We will be hosting a meditation retreat, mostly for members of the Thai community, from 31st July to 3rd August. This coincides with 6 days of monastic retreat.

The most recent dhamma talk given at Aruna Ratanagiri on Sunday 24th July was titled, Concord of Conflict. Among other things it considered how training in forgiveness serves to increase concord. It also questioned the way 'Going for Refuge' can contribute to a secure sense of personal identity.

We are happy that from 8th to 14th August we will be hosting Luang Por Sucitto. He was the very first abbot of this monastery and is presently resident in Ireland. 

A new iteration of our Forest Sangha Calendar has been released suitable to install on a smartphone. Please see here - https://cal.forestsangha.org/ It is still being developed so we hope you will be patient with us in the process. 

On a similar theme, a conversation has begun around rekindling the idea of creating a smartphone app that gives ready access to the contents of the Forest Sangha website. Earlier attempts met with a number of obstacles so we will see how far we get this time. Anyone who has skills or suggestions for what such an app might feature is welcome to be in touch: sangha@ratanagiri.org.uk

With good wishes,

Ajahn Munindo

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