
On each Full Moon Luang Por Munindo sends out a Dhammapada verse with a few lines of comment for reflection. If you wish to receive this message via email, fill in with your email address

Alternatively, these Dhammapada Reflections can be viewed at

Translations in 6 languages are also available.

Note that the verses used in this monthly Reflection are taken from, ‘A Dhammapada for Contemplation’, Aruna Publications. For more literal interpretations we encourage you to view other translations.

Request printed version be posted: Dhammapada Reflections Vol. 1 

Request printed version be posted: Dhammapada Reflections Vol.2

Request printed version be posted: Dhammapada Reflections Vol.3

Download e-book version: Dhammapada Reflections Vol.1 

Download e-book version: Dhammapada Reflections Vol.2

Download e-book version: Dhammapada Reflections Vol.3

NEW MOON - Honouring

Published January 19, 2015 06:30

To honour, even for a single moment,
one who has attained self-mastery,
is of greater benefit than a hundred years
spent ... Read more

FULL MOON – The Heart

Published January 04, 2015 06:30

All states of being are determined by the heart.
It is the heart that leads the way.
As surely as our shadow never ... Read more

NEW MOON - Perfection

Published December 20, 2014 06:30

The Buddha's perfection is complete;
in him there is no craving that could drag him down.
No measure is there for his ... Read more

FULL MOON – Overwhelm

Published December 06, 2014 06:30

If you perform an evil act,
then do not repeat it.
Avoid finding pleasure in its memory.
The aftermath of evil-doing is ... Read more

NEW MOON - Loneliness

Published November 21, 2014 20:21

Having found no companion
who has travelled at least as far as ourselves,
it is better to go alone
than to accompany ... Read more

NEW MOON - Empathy

Published October 22, 2014 07:30

Having empathy for others
one sees that all beings are afraid
of harm and death.
Knowing this, one does not kill
or cause to ... Read more

NEW MOON - Pursuing Happiness

Published September 23, 2014 07:30

You will not succeed in your pursuit of happiness
if it is at the expense of others' well-being.
The snare of ... Read more


Published September 08, 2014 07:30

Distorted views,
which give rise to seeing right as wrong
and wrong as right,
are the cause for beings to disintegrate.

... Read more