hilltop newsletter

Towards the Quiet

Picture: Harnham community gathering, end of vassa 2018

The Full Moon day for this month falls today, Thursday, 22nd November; the next Full Moon will be Saturday, 22nd December. The Robe Cloth Offering season (kathina) is about to end and with it much of the travelling to our various monasteries. We currently have Ajahn Abhinando (Dhammapala Monastery - Switzerland) and Ajahn Anando (Temple Monastery - US) staying with us, which is a joy. And now it starts to feel like we are moving more towards the quiet of winter. The new kuti next to Mangala House is completed and ready for use. Most of the other projects around the monastery are finished. Several community members have either left or are about to leave to spend the Winter Retreat elsewhere. It seems we will be a small community until spring.

1 New Kuti 3a
View from the new kuti recently constructed next to Mangala House
