hilltop newsletter

View from the hill

(picture: early morning view facing southeast from Harnham Hill)

As 2015 fades away 2016 approaches. Kusala House has been providing welcoming accommodation to the guests gathered to mark the transition. Tomorrow night, Thursday 31st December 2015, is designated as Forgiveness and Aspiration night. Puja will begin as usual at 7pm, with chanting at 7.30pm, followed by a Dhamma talk. Participants will then be encouraged to spend the final hours of 2015 reflecting on 3 themes: firstly, on whatever actions of body, speech or mind we have done for which we wish to ask forgiveness; secondly, on those actions done by others towards us for which we wish to offer forgiveness; and thirdly, on the ideals towards which we determine to aspire. To fuel contemplation and nourish spiritual community refreshments will be available in the Main House. If everyone could be settled in the Dhamma Hall by 11pm at the latest so we can join in making our offerings in silence. As 2016 begins there will be an opportunity to determine the Five Precepts and formally dedicate the goodness of the efforts we make to the welfare of all beings: the ones we like and the ones we dislike; those that inspire us and those that repel us; those that give us joy and those that frighten us. May all beings be well.
