hilltop newsletter

Smiles All Round

Luang Por is on a leave of absence in France, returning Wednesday. We are enjoying some gloriously sunny days. On Sunday, Ajahn Punnyo offered his reflections on Sunyata. Venerable Vinita’s cheerful disposition radiates once more throughout the community following recovering from recent illness; just in time for the Sri Lankan Practice day on Sunday. Anagarika Marc has commenced physio and is slowly easing himself back into the rhythm of the community. Yom Yoo arrived for a four month stay. A busy weekend ahead, with a Lake Work Day on Saturday to abate the rampant vegetation growth and a lay practice day on the subject of truthfulness led by Ajahn Abhinando on Sunday. Ajahn Sawaeng returns from Italy on Monday. On Tuesday we mark the birthday of Ajahn Chah and reflect with gratitude on the profound impact he had on making the teachings of the Buddha accessible to an international audience.
