
On each Full Moon Luang Por Munindo sends out a Dhammapada verse with a few lines of comment for reflection. If you wish to receive this message via email, fill in with your email address

Alternatively, these Dhammapada Reflections can be viewed at

Translations in 6 languages are also available.

Note that the verses used in this monthly Reflection are taken from, ‘A Dhammapada for Contemplation’, Aruna Publications. For more literal interpretations we encourage you to view other translations.

Request printed version be posted: Dhammapada Reflections Vol. 1 

Request printed version be posted: Dhammapada Reflections Vol.2

Request printed version be posted: Dhammapada Reflections Vol.3

Download e-book version: Dhammapada Reflections Vol.1 

Download e-book version: Dhammapada Reflections Vol.2

Download e-book version: Dhammapada Reflections Vol.3

FULL MOON – Invitation

Published March 28, 2021 06:00

The Buddha’s perfection is complete;
there is no more work to be done.
No measure is there for his wisdom;
no limits ... Read more

FULL MOON – Purification

Published February 26, 2021 06:00

Refrain from wrongdoing,
cultivate that which is good;
purify the heart.
This is the Way of the Awakened Ones.

... Read more

FULL MOON – Living Wisely

Published January 28, 2021 06:00

Surrendering oneself to Dhamma
leads to serene being.
The wise perpetually delight in the truth
taught by the ... Read more

FULL MOON – Harmlessness

Published December 29, 2020 06:00

Those who still cause harm
to living beings
cannot be considered as attained
to a truly noble state.
Those who are ... Read more

FULL MOON – Not Easy

Published October 02, 2020 06:00

Life is not easy for those
who have a sense of shame,
who are modest,
pure-minded and detached,
morally upright and ... Read more