
Updating Privacy Policy for Harnham Buddhist Monastery Trust

Filed in announcements

Please be informed that Harnham Buddhist Monastery Trust has updated its Privacy Policy - June 2022. See below.

HBMT Privacy Policy (last updated June 2022)

Our contact details
Harnham Buddhist Monastery Trust,
2 Harnham Buddhist Monastery, Harnham, Belsay NE20 0HF
Phone Number: 01661881612


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New Moon Newsletter_May 30th, 2022

Filed in hilltop newsletter

Today, Monday 30th, is the New Moon day for the month of May 2022. The next Uposatha Day will be the Full Moon which falls on Tuesday, 14th June.

Our celebration of Vesak was a delight with many visitors joining us for the morning gathering in the Dhamma Hall…

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