
Formal Meditation Retreats at Aruna Ratanagiri are held at Kusala House, our guest facilities, located adjacent to the main monastery buildings, and are open to both men and women (unless otherwise indicated). Meditation instruction is provided by the senior monk or nun leading the retreat, with periods of sitting and walking meditation typically scheduled for the morning, afternoon and possibly evening.

There is no need to book to join the One Day retreats. Just arrive in good time for the start. 

One day retreats start at 9am and generally last until approximately 4pm. The midday meal will also be in Kusala House, so as not to put pressure on the main monastery kitchen. You are welcome to bring some food to share. Hot drinks will be available. The teacher will let you know the degree of silence for the day and when talking is suitable. It is recommended to bring outdoor clothes for periods of walking meditation.

Please note, we do not currently offer facilities for purely personal retreats. If you are looking for a less structured stay in the monastery we accept guests outside of Formal Retreat times where there is usually plenty of time for private practice. See Visiting and Staying.

Please read information regarding the Eight Precepts and the standard of behaviour required of guests staying at the monastery: Visiting and Staying.

Date (2024) Teacher Status
24th - 28th June Ajahn Nyanarato CANCELLED
13th July Aj. Sister Khemaka available
21st September Ajahn Ahimsako  available
16th November Virginia available