hilltop newsletter


New Moon Update: April 2021

Filed in hilltop newsletter

Today, Sunday 11th, is the New Moon day for the month of April 2021. The next Uposatha Day will be the Full Moon, which falls on Monday 26th April.

Winter Retreat for 2021 is over, spring is here, and gradually life at the monastery is entering a somewhat more…

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New Moon Update: March 2021

Filed in hilltop newsletter

Today, Saturday 13th, is the New Moon day for the month of March 2021. The next Uposatha Day will be the Full Moon which falls on Sunday 28th March.

These monthly updates are usually prepared by Luang Por Munindo, however since this is the thirtieth anniversary of his arriving here

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New Moon Update: February 2021

Filed in hilltop newsletter

Today, Thursday 11th, is the New Moon day for the month of February 2021. The next Uposatha day will be the Full Moon which falls on Friday 26th February.

Shortly after that next full moon day will be the thirtieth anniversary of my arriving at Harnham. In the…

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Harnham jan 2021

New Moon Update: January 2021

Filed in hilltop newsletter

Today, Wednesday 13th, is the New Moon day for the month of January 2021. The next Uposatha day will be the Full Moon which falls on Thursday 28th January.

The doors to our Dhamma Hall vestibule are once more closed to visitors. Please be sure to read…

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New Moon Update: December 2020

Filed in hilltop newsletter

Today, Monday 14th, is the New Moon day for the month of December 2020. The next Uposatha day will be the Full Moon which falls on Tuesday 29th December.

The doors to our Dhamma Hall vestibule are once more open for visitors to enter to make offerings…

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New Moon Update: November 2020

Filed in hilltop newsletter

Today, Sunday 15th, is the New Moon day for the month of November 2020. The next Uposatha day will be the Full Moon which falls on Monday 30th November.

Several work projects are currently ongoing at the monastery. The kutis by the lake required refurbishment involving new fascia boards…

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New Moon Update: October 2020

Filed in hilltop newsletter

Today, Friday 16th, is the New Moon day for the month of October, 2020. The next uposatha day will be the Full Moon which falls on Saturday 31st October.

So far it seems that a good number of our friends and supporters have been taking the opportunity to visit…

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New Moon Update: September 2020

Filed in hilltop newsletter

Today, Thursday 17th, is the New Moon day for the month of September, 2020. The next uposatha day will be the Full Moon which falls on Friday 2nd October, which is also the end of this year's Rains Retreat.

In the photo above you see the two new bhikkhus…

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New Moon Update: August 2020

Filed in announcements and hilltop newsletter

Today, Tuesday 18th, is the New Moon day for the month of August, 2020. The next uposatha day will be the Full Moon which falls on Wednesday 2nd September.

The sangha at Harnham have been taking more time to be on retreat recently. Restrictions imposed on us because of…

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