hilltop newsletter

Happy anniversary blog option 2

Happy Anniversary

Filed in hilltop newsletter

Saturday’s lakeside work day helped keep the boardwalk clear of encroaching foliage and the waste areas tidy. Installation of our new windows is complete; we’re very happy with the workmanship. The Sri Lankan Meditation Day and Lay Practice and Study Day both ran smoothly and were appreciated by participants. Ajahn…

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Smiles All Round

Filed in hilltop newsletter

Luang Por is on a leave of absence in France, returning Wednesday. We are enjoying some gloriously sunny days. On Sunday, Ajahn Punnyo offered his reflections on Sunyata. Venerable Vinita’s cheerful disposition radiates once more throughout the community following recovering from recent illness; just in time for the Sri…

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Blog shot 3rd june  14


Filed in hilltop newsletter

Harnham springs back to life with a particularly busy week. Community members returned from the Sangha Samaggi gathering at Amaravati, absent Ajahn Sawaeng (who is spending time in Italy), but accompanied by Ajahn Achalo, Ajahn Sukhito and Tan Pavaro, all staying at least until Friday. Sunday evening’s puja was particularly…

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Lp liem


Filed in hilltop newsletter

The main focus this week is on the Sangha Samaggi Gathering at Amaravati, led by Luang Por Liem, abbot of Wat Pah Pong in Ubon Ratchathani, Thailand. This event is held every three years for all the non-Thai branch monasteries of Ajahn Chah worldwide. Over 100 monastics are gathered at

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Unstoppable image


Filed in hilltop newsletter

A busy few days at Harnham. Saturday was spent preparing for Sunday’s Vesak celebrations, with Luang Por Munindo exhorting us in the evening to Simply Listen. On Sunday the Dhamma Hall was packed for the evening’s Vesak celebration, including evening puja and a dhamma talk by Luang Por Tiradhammo…

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Accordance image


Filed in hilltop newsletter

Luang Por Tiradhammo led participants in a silent retreat at Kusala House, encouraging a gentler pace of life and fostering quiet reflection, while Venerable Vinita facilitated a practice day for members of the Sri Lankan community. On Sunday evening there was a talk on Knowing the Right Amount. Anagarika…

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Lp tiradhammo sweeping


Filed in hilltop newsletter

Ajahns Sudanto and Siripannyo left on Monday and Luang Por Tiradhammo arrived on Tuesday. Luang Por Tira, as he is known, was the abbot at Harnham in the very early days and is responsible for much of the setting up of the properties and establishing the groups. These days he…

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Filed in hilltop newsletter

We are benefitting these days from the delightful company of Ajahn Sudanto from The Pacific Hermitage in USA and Ajahn Siripannyo of Dtoa Dtum Monastery in Thailand. With pleasant anticipation we look forward to next week and the joy of having Luang Por Tiradhammo with us. Last Sunday Marc Piano…

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Filed in hilltop newsletter

Ajahn Sawaeng returned to Harnham on Easter Saturday, after a two-year absence. Luang Por Munindo returned to his recent theme of contemplation, Forgiveness, in Sunday evening puja. On Wednesday, we welcomed Ajahn Siripannyo back to Harnham after 20 years away. These days, he serves as senior monk at a…

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