

Calm Before the Calm

Filed in hilltop newsletter

A quiet week this week at Harnham, but the diary suggests next week could be rather busy. Activity need not denote confusion however, so we look forward to hosting the many guests who have booked in. Meanwhile the resident remaining swan at the lake seems to have settled in with…

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Monastery Management Group

Filed in announcements

At their last meeting the Directors of our trust body, the HBMT, decided to wind up the Monastery Committee and replace it with a Monastery Management Group. Much of the practical work the Committee Members had undertaken in earlier years is these days done by the Monastery Secretary. We decided…

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Study and Practice Day, Sunday 14th December

Filed in announcements

This will be a day of meditation, readings and discussions at Kusala House, led by Ajahn Abhinando. Starting at 9:30am and finishing with tea at 5:30pm, with a meal break at 11am. There is no charge, and no prior booking is required. Food offerings for the shared meal are welcome.

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Filed in hilltop newsletter

Before our friend Herman-from-Holland departed he helped remove the wasp’s nest from Luang Por’s amenity shed. The earlier hostile inhabitants had departed (or terminated) once the temperature had dropped sufficiently. We hope they find somewhere nice for next year, just not here. At the HBM Trust meeting on Saturday a…

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Ra 176

Wood and Gas

Filed in hilltop newsletter

Last Saturday’s Lake Day went well with a lot of work done. Help offered by the (Scottish) Kirriemuir Meditation group was significant. Luang Por offered a Dhamma talk on Saturday evening contemplating the pursuit of happiness. On Sunday Ajahn Abhinando led the Study/Practice group in contemplation and cultivation of Mindfulness…

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Filed in hilltop newsletter

Ajahn Punnyo and Anagarika Marcin got snarled in traffic in Newcastle on Saturday and missed their train, so were absent from the Amaravati Kathina on Sunday. Luang Por Sumedho arrived though from Thailand, as expected, to join in the event. Luang Por Munindo spoke on the theme of Universal Truths

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New Abbot at Chithurst

Filed in hilltop newsletter

Abbot Karuniko

Last weekend several of the Harnham sangha joined in the Kathina at Chithurst monastery which included appointing Ajahn Karuniko as the new abbot there. After 22 years Luang Por Sucitto has stepped down and is now preparing for a year sabbatical, starting in New Zealand. This…

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Harnham Kathina

Filed in hilltop newsletter

As expected, many good friends from our sister monasteries joined us for the annual Kathina on Sunday. Similarly, many good friends from the extended lay communities also joined us – over 300. As was not expected, the forecast rain didn’t appear. Luang Por Tiradhammo expressed his gratitude for the evident…

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Jenny b 001

Jenny in the Garden with Secaters

Filed in hilltop newsletter

Field mice sense the approaching winter and are trying to move into the house; we are trying to keep them out (compassionately). Luang Por Tiradhammo arrived on Tuesday and we are delighted that he can be with us right through until Saturday 26th October. Jenny-from-Leeds has been here this week…

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Walking meditation  1

walking meditation

Filed in hilltop newsletter

Walking Meditation

The previous week was the last Silent Practice Week of this year’s Rains Retreat. Not much happened; a bit of walking meditation, perhaps some chanting practice (exempted from the silence rule), some fasting. Ex-Kovido turned up part way through the week and wasn’t phased with people…

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