hilltop newsletter

20160114 160239

Ajahn Chah Memorial Day 2016

Filed in hilltop newsletter

(picture: a shrine especially set up in the Dhamma Hall)

On Saturday 16th January, disciples of Ajahn Chah around the world put time aside to reflect on the good fortune of having heard his teachings and having an opportunity to practice them. At evening puja at Harnham…

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Filed in hilltop newsletter

(picture: dawn at Harnham Lake)

There are those who discover
they can completely abandon confused reactions

and become patient as the earth;
 unintimidated by anger,
 unshaken as a pillar,

unperturbed as a clear and quiet pool.

Dhammapada v. 95

Every intentional action that…

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View from the hill

Filed in hilltop newsletter

(picture: early morning view facing southeast from Harnham Hill)

As 2015 fades away 2016 approaches. Kusala House has been providing welcoming accommodation to the guests gathered to mark the transition. Tomorrow night, Thursday 31st December 2015, is designated as Forgiveness and Aspiration night. Puja will begin as usual at…

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Feeding the Birds

Filed in hilltop newsletter

(picture: Luang Por's bird table)
Last week subscribers of this news-blog received multiple copies of one of our postings (coincidentally called 'Back Again'). It was one of those programming glitches that occur from time to time. Life can be so unpredictable, like the weather: one day it's snowing, the…

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Non slip%20walkway

Non-slip Boardwalk

Filed in hilltop newsletter

(picture: laying wire-mesh on the boardwalk)
Saturday was our last Lake Work Day for the year. Despite snow and sleet and temperatures just above zero, good progress was made in laying the wire-mesh on the boardwalk (to prevent users from slipping). Anagarika Will and his mother planted a…

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Back Again

Filed in hilltop newsletter

(picture: Ajahns Punnyo and Achalo on Vultures Peak)

Being buffeted by wild winter winds is expectable at this time of year if you live in Northumberland. Storm Desmond however was a bit out of the ordinary. Thankfully the gusts that battered Harnham Hill last week eventually passed…

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Welcome and Farewell

Filed in hilltop newsletter

(picture: Tan Gambhiro visiting Harnham, November 2015)

This week sees the arrival of Ajahn Sukhacitto (Thurs. 3rd Dec.) and the departure of Tan Gambhiro (Sun. 6th Dec.). Aj Sukhacitto is en route to take up residence at Cittaviveka Monastery for the Winter Retreat. Tan Gambhiro has been…

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Filed in hilltop newsletter

(picture: carp in the Memorial Garden pond)

Once again, this time at Chithurst's Kathina, it was evident how much dedicated effort went into preparations for this annual festival. Four of our Harnham community joined in on the occasion, travelling down to West Sussex on Thursday and back…

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Reaffirmation of Communion

Filed in hilltop newsletter

(picture: Amaravati Kathina)

As usual the Amaravati Kathina (last Sunday) was a large and festive event. Over 600 visitors came to reaffirm, in the traditional Theravada way, their appreciation for spiritual community. Luang Por Dumrong from NE Thailand was the senior Elder on the day. Luang Por…

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'tis the Season

Filed in hilltop newsletter

(picture: Luang Por Pasanno)

With last week's group of guests gone we've had a brief interlude of calm. Then on Monday a noticeable ripple appeared with Tan Gambhiro arriving. Many of you will remember him from the four years he spent here at the very beginning of…

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