hilltop newsletter


Safe and Sound

Filed in hilltop newsletter

(picture: August's Lake Day Workers)

Our front porch is safe and secure again, thanks to Anagarika Giovanni's woodworking skills. The footpaths and seating areas are weeded and mown again, thanks to August's Lake Day workers. A collapsed stone wall in the Memorial Garden has been reconstructed by Anagarika Will…

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Filed in hilltop newsletter

(picture: Ajahn Punnyo in Thailand)

Saturday was a great success in terms of the gathering that turned out for this month's Lake Work Day. Warm weather, but not too warm, contributed to a sense of congeniality, and Penny's precise instructions meant all the good energy was put…

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Filed in hilltop newsletter

(picture: model of proposed re-building)

Last week, Ajahn Abhinando guided a committed group of diligent meditators through this year's Summer Retreat. Most participants departed on Saturday, some on Sunday, thoroughly enriched and inspired. Sunday evening's Dhamma Talk by Luang Por was called Victory and Defeat, reflecting on…

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Filed in hilltop newsletter

(picture: Abramina Nouwt)

Last week Abramina returned to Holland. This weekend we hosted the Annual General Meeting of the monastery's Trust body, HBMT. Everything seems to be in order; no big surprises. The trustees offered Luang Por Munindo a Field Maple, marking entry into his 40th Rains Retreat…

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Wild Flowers and Shears

Filed in hilltop newsletter

(picture: Anagarika Martin)

Harnham Lake isn't the place to be these days if you are allergic to pollen. But if you're not, it's great. Lately there has been a magnificent pallet of purples:  Knapweed, Bugle, Clary, Foxgloves, Dog Violet, a variety of Vetches and 3 kinds of Thistle…

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Filed in hilltop newsletter

(picture: Samanera Indapannyo)

Samanera Indapannyo departed on Saturday, heading back to Cittaviveka monastery with a commitment to request the bhikkhu training later this year. Luang Por's first-Sunday-of-the-month Dhamma talk was delayed until the second-Sunday-of-the-month. On Monday, Monastery Mother Abramina Nouwt, arrived from Holland. Abramina has been visiting us here…

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Filed in hilltop newsletter

(picture: Ajahn Nyanarato)

This past week, the delightful presence of our dear Dhamma friend, Ajahn Nyanarato, with his uplifting and eloquent teachings, has been a real gift. We are sincerely grateful for his visit. There was a very full house, as was to be expected for this retreat. Also, as…

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Filed in hilltop newsletter

(picture: garden Buddha)

The sangha at Aruna Ratanagiri marked Ajahn Chah's birthday with puja on Wednesday evening, 17th June. On Sunday 21st June they marked Luang Por Munindo's 39th bhikkhu ordination anniversary. Luang Por gave a Dhamma talk at puja on Saturday evening called,  'Escaping this

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