hilltop newsletter



Filed in hilltop newsletter

(picture: 2015 Kathina-season Almsgiving)

Cooperation was the theme of the day at Sunday's festival. It began with an energetic crowd of Thai university students arriving early to help with parking and general preparations. We seem to have succeeded in not disturbing our neighbours this year and once…

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Ready for the Winter

Filed in hilltop newsletter

(picture: Aj Abhinando attending to gas supplies at the kutis)

On Sunday evening at puja Ajahn Abhinando offered a short reflection on Mindfulness of Breathing. Yesterday, Tuesday 27th October, was the end of our Rains Retreat (vassa) for 2015 and the self-imposed limitations on…

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Sunrise c

Autumn Sunrise

Filed in hilltop newsletter

(picture: sunrise from Harnham Hill)

The days really are significantly shorter now. Birdsong in the morning is muted and soon we can expect ice. Our recent Silent Practice week was relatively uneventful, at least on the outside. Community members made good use of the kutis and the…

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Ajahn%20ahimsako harnham oct 2015 001

Drawing to a Close

Filed in hilltop newsletter

(picture: Ajahn Ahimsako)

Next Monday will be the new-moon day for October; already this year's Rains Retreat is drawing to a close. From 12th - 17th October we expect to be on our final Silent Practice Week for 2015. Ajahn Ahimsako has returned to Amaravati leaving behind a…

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043 d102 6112 13


Filed in hilltop newsletter

(picture Kusala House Shrine)

Ajahn Abhinando arrived back safely from leading a retreat in Romania. Ian Plagaro-Neil has been at Harnham over the weekend at Kusala House leading a Gateshead Group retreat. Nick Pearce has been here cleaning the chimneys. The world didn't end despite the predictions. On Full-Moon…

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Gill%20strimming sept 2015


Filed in hilltop newsletter

(picture: Gil strimming)

The Lake Work Day for September was a washout. This didn't stop Gil from Israel, and various other friends, from throwing themselves into the autumn cleanup. Penny coordinated activities as usual with her admirable alacrity. Abramina has been encouraging guests at Kusala House with…

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Late Summer

Filed in hilltop newsletter

(picture: Harnham Lake in September)

It's September which means the swallows and house martins will soon be leaving; for now the swans seem happy to stay where they are. September also means it's the abbot's birthday, and to celebrate, today the new forestsangha.org website has gone live. Anumodana to…

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Sam 2623

Rightly Directed

Filed in hilltop newsletter

(picture: stupa finial)

Last week's silent practice re-emphasised our commitment to the inner life. This week we are talking again and are a little more engaged, though hopefully without losing direction. On Sunday the walkers from Bolam Lake visited. The local Council organises such walks several times a…

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