hilltop newsletter


Apparent Reality

Filed in hilltop newsletter

(picture: front entance to the monastery)

Anagarika Giovanni has been refining his already considerable carpentry skills as he repairs the gable at Kusala House. From the outside all had appeared solid and stable, but inside it was quite rotten. Our kind and helpful groundsman, Nick Pearce, has…

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Blue Sky

Filed in hilltop newsletter

(picture: Mark Overton)

Luang Por Munindo is away this week on his sojourn with Mark, taking in Wales and the West Country, with a stop-off for several days at Cittaviveka Monastery in West Sussex. Meanwhile Ajahn Abhinando is at the helm. On Sunday evening he shared some reflections…

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Flag backed buddha

Summer Dhamma

Filed in hilltop newsletter

(picture: Buddha rupa)

Twelve ardent meditators attended Ajahn Kalyano's retreat; our good friend Cesare-from-Milano came to visit (after a long absence); Ajahn Abhinando traveled away to the meditation groups in Edinburgh and Glasgow and the Kusala House Waste Water system crashed. The sun shone, the rain fell, we've…

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Silent Sitting

Filed in hilltop newsletter

(picture: The resident goose)

Very little to report this week as most are practising in silence. The Canadian goose nesting near the boardwalk is not altogether silent, but she is spending a lot of time sitting. Ajahn Kalyano joined us last Thursday from Amaravati and is currently leading the

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An Even Greener Harnham

Filed in hilltop newsletter

(picture: Will Dwyer)

The combination of wild rain (in the morning) and warming sunshine (in the afternoon) made for a dynamic Lake Work Day last Saturday. The tender green leaves of the cherry, oak, hazel, alder, hawthorn and guilder-rose all loved it. Similarly the ash, willow, rowan, aspen…

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Community Spirit

Filed in hilltop newsletter

(picture: Vesak circumambulation)

The recent Full Moon coincided with a weekend, which probably contributed to the considerable crowd we had staying; Kusala House was packed. And of course it was the Buddha’s birthday celebration! Beautiful candle-holders offered by Jenny and friends from Malaysia, adorned the shrine; stylized lotus lanterns…

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Filed in hilltop newsletter

(picture: Kitchen manager, Anthony Morgan)

Our new Kitchen Manager, Anthony, seems well settled into his one year commitment. Despite drizzling rain, a dedicated group of Dhamma devotees offered their time and enthusiasm on Saturday to attend to lake work. Luang Por Munindo’s Dhamma Talk on Sunday 26th April…

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Filed in hilltop newsletter

(picture: Harnham Lake)

In Ajahn Abhinando’s absence Ajahn Punnyo led the first Practice/Study Sunday for 2015, reflecting on the theme of The Life of the Buddha – Part 1. The eagerly awaited Part 2 can be expected same time on Sunday 10th May. Ajahn Punnyo elaborated further on…

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Another New Year

Filed in hilltop newsletter

(picture: garden shrine)

The Harnham Buddhist Monastery Trust meeting last Saturday 11th happened in an harmonious and efficient manner. The next day, Sunday 12th, SE Asia’s New Year’s Day (Songkhran), happened in a crowded and chaotic, but never-the-less friendly and festival-like manner. On Sunday evening Luang Por…

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